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Choosing The Effective Deals In Papermaking

Once the information is located and the resources of greatest interest are evaluated, it is time to start writing the TFG or TFM. First of all you must take into account the specific indications of the teacher, the characteristics of the type of TFG or TFM chosen, and the regulations for its elaboration: the Library offers you here a series of generic suggestions on the structure and the contents that must have This type of academic work in accordance with the regulations of the Faculty.

The TFG Making

For the TFG there is a regulation of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology and other specific of the different degrees on extension and presentation.

In the case of the TFM, there is a greater variety since, according to the UCM regulations, the TFM “ must comply with the conventions of research or technical or scientific reports within its area of ​​knowledge. The required characteristics (extension, formal characteristics, structure, etc.) will be in accordance with the provisions of the Master’s Verification Report and must be published on its website, prior to the beginning of the period of enrollment in the Master”. In case of the you need to have the finest options now.

Final degree project


The TFG of the Bachelor’s degrees of the Faculty of Policy and Sociology will have a minimum length of 20 and a maximum of 30 pages in Word or RTF format (Times New Roman 12, 1.5 line spacing, a minimum of 7000 words and a maximum of 10,000 words), with the exception of the International Relations TFG, whose length will be a minimum of 40 and a maximum of 45 pages (a minimum of 13,000 words and a maximum of 15,000 words).


The TFG will have at least:

Cover The cover will contain: name and surname of the student, degree to which it belongs, title of the work, name and surname of the tutor and corresponding academic year. The title is the first presentation of the work, and should be brief, concise, accurate.

Index It will be presented and agreed with the tutor before the development of the work. It is a table of contents where all the parts of the work are recorded, in the order in which they appear in the work and with indication of the page in which they can be found.

Introduction In this section, a brief introduction will be made to justify the object of study, the objectives of the TFG approach to work, state of the matter and methodology.


This part will be structured in those chapters or epigraphs necessary to deepen the object of study and achieve the objectives set.


In this part the results obtained after the study, preparation and drafting of the TFG are presented in a concise manner.


The bibliography used will be specified. The TFG will have a uniform citation system and a bibliography at the end of the writing, both following the Harvard model (the one used by the Journal of the Faculty, Politics and Society). You will find more extensive information on how to cite, how to prepare the bibliography, and how to manage bibliographies with the Ref Works program.

Annexes, if applicable

Material used in the work, too extensive to be included in a note, but necessary to justify results and conclusions. It can be statistical tables, a set of graphs, legislation, chronology, etc.

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